In middle school, I started wearing lipstick. I was fascinated with the instant impact it had on the face. It thrilled me to try new lip colors. My hue of choice became a popular brand of red creme. It was a bold fashion statement all by itself.
In my mid-twenties, I started to prefer a more natural look. I found a gorgeous shade of long-lasting brown matte by the same manufacturer of my cherished red. I loved the brown so much that I retired my red tube. After a few months of wearing the new shade, my lips started to itch and breakout around the edges. Next, I lost pigmentation around the rim of my mouth. Needless to say, it wasn’t a pretty sight. I looked like I had outlined the outside of my mouth with nude lip liner. The allergic reaction was so bad that I had to stop wearing lipstick.
I researched lipstick ingredients and learned many formulas, including the ones I used, contain harmful chemicals. I discovered a few natural lip care alternatives at my neighborhood health store. One of the brands was Burt’s Bees, who at the time, manufactured lip balms and lip shimmers. I decided to buy one of each. From the first application, my lips began to heal. The irritation soon cleared up and the pigment around my lips finally came back.
Burt’s Bees lip products saved my lips. I buy Burt’s Bees Lip Balms for my husband and children too. Over time, Burt’s Bees has added lip shine, lip gloss, tinted lip balm, lip crayons, lip oil, and lipstick to their product line. So far, none of us have experienced issues with their lip products.
Since my go-to makeup look is a fresh face and lipstick, I am pretty passionate about my lips. It is no secret my lips are one of the strongest features on my face. Instead of shying away from their fullness, I embrace it by choosing colors to complement my skin tone and wardrobe. Burt’s Bees makes this process easy with a variety of vibrant colors.
My new shade of red is Burt’s Bees Napa Vineyard Lip Crayon (featured in the image). My other top picks are Burt’s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm, Burt’s Bees Caramel Lip Shimmer, and Burt’s Bees Russet River Lipstick.
Start cherishing and nurturing your lips today with a good lip care regimen. Here are a few tips. Keep your lips free from dryness and cracking by drinking plenty of water, brushing off the dead skin with a wet toothbrush, and removing lipstick completely before bed with a natural makeup remover like coconut oil. Keep in mind, the lip’s skin is thin and delicate so be gentle when you are caring for them. Too much pressure or the wrong ingredients can lead to tears, inflammation, rawness, and soreness.
For more information about Burt’s Bees products, visit Not every product works for everybody so don’t forget to do your own research to find what works for you or consult a healthcare professional about issues and recommendations.

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