This morning I sat down to open the Polyvore app to design new sets. Yet, the app showed no data. After attempting to refresh and restart the mobile app multiple times, I went to my desktop computer to see if I could login on the Polyvore website. When I typed in the Polyvore url, I was redirected to another website with displayed a popup window with the following statement, “POLYVORE IS NOW SSENSE”.

I was like, what? Wait a minute! What happened to Polyvore? I hadn’t heard any news. Then, I thought, what about my sets and collections? That’s when it hit me — what about all of those links on my website?! Well, I hurriedly went to my site and realized all of the links were no longer valid.

I Googled Polyvore and the search yielded one headline after another confirming Polyvore has shut down due to acquisition by SSense. The most helpful article I found was on (Read more The article gave very helpful information, including a link to request user data from Polyvore.

“Polyvore released a statement that says you can go to up to May 10, 2018, and get your work saved.” – Mandy Robinson,

I went to the link (, followed the instructions, and within minutes I was able to download a ZIP file of my user content. The archive is mostly database files of information from my Polyvore account, but what I found most helpful was a folder filled with JPG files of all of my sets. I was able to use the files to replace the invalid embedded images of my Polyvore sets on my website. It’s disappointing that the set item details and my collections are longer available, but at least not all is lost.

I decided to leave the links at the bottom of the sets just in case they become active again and also to give credit to where the sets were designed.

In the meantime, I’ll be searching for a new format to design sets and coming up with other creative ways to inspire you to find your own style. And if you happen to know an alternative platform, let me know.

Stay tuned for updates!


Hope N. Jones

Merchant Girl


Top Fashion Set Features on Polyvore in 2017