Lavender is part of the mint family and grows as a perennial bush. A Mediterranean native, it has a long history of use in medicine and perfumery.
I discovered lavender about twenty years ago when I began my quest for natural products. At that time, I also started to learn about aromatherapy. I fell in love with the heavenly aroma of lavender immediately, and since then, it has become part of my everyday life.
I find lavender to be relaxing, soothing, and healing. The naturally occurring properties to prevent bacteria and to reduce inflammation makes lavender one the most beneficial, versatile plants. I use lavender for:
- Bites & Rashes
- Headaches
- Swelling, Muscle & Joint Aches
- Hair & Scalp Care
- Relaxation, Stress Relief & Sleep
- Respiratory & Circulatory Support
- Digestive Health
- Perfume
- Nail Treatments
- Body & Skin care
- Hand cleanser
- Home Cleaning & Laundry
- Homemade Air Freshener
- Candles
- Cooking
In my bag, I always have a bottle of lavender castile soap, essential oil and hand sanitizer. My skin is sensitive and will break out quickly, especially when I use other soaps and sanitizers on my hands. I also keep my pantry stocked with lavender tea bags and pack them with me when I travel. My queasy or achy stomach stops instantly and it helps me sleep well.
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Not all lavender and lavender products are equal and you really have to do your research. I prefer English Lavender (botanical name: Lavandula angustifolia). Read the labels and only buy from manufacturers who are careful about where they source the lavender in their products.
Aura Cacia Lavender Essential Oil
Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Pure-Castile Liquid Soap
Dr. Bronner’s Organic Hand Sanitizer
Traditional Medicinals Chamomile with Lavender Tea
Lavender Flower Buds, dried
The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood is one of my top resources I keep on hand for history, plant properties, and recipes.

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